Acknowledgement of Country

We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the lands on which we gather, make, learn and be, and pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging. We recognise their continuing connection to land, water, and community.

A provocation and invitation

Everything presented here is both provocation and invitation—to imagine how we might craft flourishing futures together.

Ancient tree in a cemetery with child playing on the sprawling roots

Mission Stewards of Collective Futurecrafting

Breath of fresh care

Our mission stewards are a radicle group of Earthians who are dedicated to creating the conditions that enable communities to craft flourishing futures together.

Mathew Mytka

Mathew Mytka

Dharawal, Sydney, Australia

Moral imagineer and systemic thinker, seer and doer playing at the intersection of science, art, technology, and our shared humanityas Earthians. Over the past 15+ years, Mat has navigated complexity across startups, federal governments initiatives, Fortune 50 companies, social movements and grassroots communities, with an ethos oriented to designing conditions for mutually assured thriving.

Gemma Palmer

Gemma Palmer

Dharawal, Sydney, Australia

Gemma is a healer and regenerative practitioner with a background in health science, permaculture, yoga, and meditation. Her work focuses on supporting the innate healing and growth of individuals, communities, and environments, drawing on ancestral knowledge, evidence-based practice, and a holistic understanding with mindful care. Gemma hopes she can make lasting positive change wherever the seed may grow.

Alja Isakovic

Alja Isakovic

Ljubljana, Slovenia

Full-stack product designer, community builder, creator, and educator, passionate about crafting playful learning experiences that foster systemic change. Deep experience across startups, agencies, and enterprises throughout the world and co-founder of EU Code Week, and Tethix. A dedicated advocate for climate action, radical systemic change and diversity, equity and inclusion.

David Berigny

David Berigny

Gadigal, Sydney, Australia

Systems designer committed to seeing the big picture, working at the intersection of design, research, strategy, and tech. He uses his experience in fields like farming, finance, and AI to help enable positive change. He developed the he Meta-Framework of Everything (MFoE) to help simplify complex systems and explore how good design can improve lives and shape a better future.

Become a Mission Steward

We're looking for passionate Earthians who want to help craft flourishing futures.

If you feel called to this craft and want to explore becoming a steward, we'd love to connect.

Send us a message →